Ying Mao,复旦大学附属华山医院院长,中华医学会神经外科分会候任主任委员,国家神经疾病医学中心华山医院执行主任
On October 6,2022,Xin Liang's group published'Drosophila Mechanical Nociceptors Preferentially Sense Localized Poking' in eLife
On October 5,2022,Zengcai Guo/Xiaodong Liu/Yubo Fan-Yaxiong Yang groups published 'Chronic CaChronic Ca2+ imaging of cortical neurons with long-term expression of GCaMP-X imaging of cortical neurons with long-term expression of GCaMP-X' in eLife
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On August 16,2022,Zengcai V.Guo's group published 'Lateralization of short-term memory in the frontal cortex' in Cell Reports