Dr. Kexin Yuan was awarded the 12th "WuXi AppTec Prize for Life Chemistry Research Scholars" in 2018


On December 18, 2018, the 12th "WuXi AppTec Prize for Life Chemistry Research Scholars" awarding ceremony was solemnly held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. The ceremony unveiled the winners of the "WuXi AppTec Prize for Life Chemistry Research Scholars" in 2018. Dr. Kexin Yuan, associate profesor of School of Medicine at Tsinghua University and Pricinple investigator of Tsinghua-IDG/Mcgovern Institute, was awarded this prize.

Research Focus

For human being, audition plays crucial roles in language communication, learning, appreciation of music and social life. For rodents (both rats and mice), audition is important for their survival in natural environment and social interaction. Impaired auditory processing is tightly correlated with some well-known neurodevelopmental disorders, such as schizophrenia and autism. However, compared to other sensory systems, our understanding of auditory system is still very limited at molecular, synaptic, cellular, circuit and behavioral levels. In my laboratory, we are particularly interested in cortical and subcortical mechanisms underlying the processing of sounds and neural circuits underlying cognitive functions related to auditory behavior. Understanding these processes will help us understand the neural basis of audition and cognition, and may also help us develop treatments for cognitive disorders.
Current research directions:
1. The representation of sounds in auditory cortex and the modulation of these representations by cognitive functions, such as emotion, attention and motivation.
2. The role of inhibitory circuits in the maturation of auditory cortical functions.
3. Use modern tracing techniques to dissect the cell-type specific ascending and descending auditory pathways.
4. Neural circuits and cortical mechanisms underlying auditory task-switching flexibility. 5. Neural circuit mechanisms underlying animal social behavior.

Selected Publications

  • Cai D, Yue Y, Liu M, Wang Y, Su X, You L, Xie F, Deng F, Chen F, Luo M, Yuan K* (2018) Distinct anatomical connectivity patterns differentiate subdivisions of the nonlemniscal auditory thalamus in mice. Cereb Cortex. doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhy115
  • Xie F, You L, Cai D, Liu M, Yue Y, Wang Y, Yuan K* (2017) Fast inhibitory decay facilitates adult-like temporal processing in layer 5 of developing primary auditory cortex. Cereb Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx284.
  • Cai D, Han R, Liu M, Xie F, You L, Zheng Y, Zhao L, Yao J, Wang Y, Yue Y, Schreiner CE and Yuan K* (2017) A critical role of inhibition in temporal processing maturation in the primary auditory cortex. Cereb Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx057.
  • Xie F, You L, Cai D, Liu M, Yue Y, Wang Y, Yuan K* (2017) Fast inhibitory decay facilitates adult-like temporal processing in layer 5 of developing primary auditory cortex. Cereb Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx284.
  • Froemke RC, Carcea I, Barker AJ, Yuan K, Seybold BA, Martins AR, Zaika N, Bernstein H, Wachs M, Levis PA, Polley DB, Merzenich MM and Schreiner CE (2013) Long-term modification of cortical synapses improves sensory perception. Nat Neurosci 16(1): 79-88.
  • Yuan K*, Shih JY, Winer JA and Schreiner CE (2011). Functional networks of parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons in cat auditory cortex. J Neurosci 31(37): 13333-13342.