


贾晓轩,研究员,博士生导师,将于2022年4月加入清华大学生命学院、清华-IDG/麦戈文脑科学研究院、清华-北大生命科学联合中心。贾晓轩博士长期从事视觉信息编码和解码的研究。本科毕业于清华大学,2006-2012年就读于美国爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)获得神经科学博士学位,研究方向为脑电波在初级视觉信息处理中的作用。2012-2015年,在麻省理工学院(MIT)Dr. James DiCarlo实验室从事博士后研究,研究方向为灵长类物体认知行为在颞叶的神经学基础。2016-2022年,在艾伦脑科学中心(Allen Institute)作为独立研究员,应用高密度电极研究小鼠视觉信息处理及其神经网络基础。

实验室网址: https://jiaxx.github.io/

Dr. Xiaoxuan Jia, Principle Investigator, will join School of Life Science at Tsinghua University in April, 2022, with joint appointment at Tsinghua-IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Science and Center for Life Science. Dr. Jia has been working on understanding visual sensory processing from the aspect of encoding and decoding. Dr. Jia obtained her Bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University and a PhD in neuroscience from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, studying brain oscillations in early visual cortex in non-human primates. During 2012-2015, Dr. Jia joined Dr. James J. DiCarlo’s lab at MIT to study the neural mechanisms underlying tolerant object recognition behavior in primates using a combination of electrophysiology, psychophysics and computational modeling tools. From 2016 till now, Dr. Jia has been a Senior Scientist at Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle working on the functional networks underlying visual sensory processing in mouse.

Lab link: https://jiaxx.github.io/



我们实验室致力于理解大脑如何表征和处理外界视觉信息以支持视觉认知和行为。我们的长期目标是通过理解大脑信息处理的基本计算原理来理解人类的认知。实验室的研究方向是神经科学、人工智能和认知心理学的交叉学科。我们将传统的系统与计算神经科学和机器学习技术相结合,应用大规模电生理记录、闭环脑机界面、数据分析和建模,以及行为学的方法, 研究和破译认知背后的神经代码。要了解更多信息,请在实验室网站查看我们的相关研究方向和文章。

We seek to understand how visual information is represented and processed in the brain to support flexible perception and behavior. Fundamentally, we would like to understand the computational principles of the brain. Our research lies at the intersection of neuroscience, machine learning and psychology. We combine systems and computational neuroscience methods with machine learning techniques to decipher the neural codes underlying perception and cognition. Our approach includes large-scale electrophysiological recording of neural activity, closed-loop brain-machine interface (BMI), sophisticated data analysis, state-of-the-art modeling and quantifiable behavioral tasks. To learn more, please check out our research directions and publications.







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