Mapping Brain Anatomy and Networks at Single Cell Resolution



Time: 16:00-17:30 on Thur.,Mar.16, 2023

Venue:E109, Biomedicine Hall

Speaker: Dr.Hanchua Peng

Host: Dr.Kexin Yuan

Title:  Mapping Brain Anatomy and Networks at Single Cell Resolution



In several cutting-edge neuroscience initiatives, it is highly desired to acquire data of single neurons at multiple spatial and structural levels and at the same time to map them to a standard atlas. In this talk I will discuss a few of our recent efforts to map brain anatomy and networks at the single neuron/cell resolution. Particularly, we developed an open cloud computing platform to manage and analyze petabyte-scale multi-dimensional imaging data, at different spatial scales and from multiple imaging and data-interaction modalities. Our platform features a whole repertoire of tools including cloud-based data serving, multi-clients synergetic computing, mobile and desktop applications, supercomputing, immersive headsets and web interfaces, streamlined high-throughput production pipeline, and interactive data mining. Using the platform, we have started to accumulate and analyze some of the largest imaging datasets in the field, and generated new observations of the single-neuron level diversity of the brain anatomy, cell types, and neuronal networks.



彭汉川教授是IEEE 和AIMBE Fellow,东大-艾伦联合研究中心主任,东南大学脑科学与智能技术研究院院长,曾任美国艾伦研究所前沿计算总监,HHMI Janelia 实验室主任等,研究工作主要集中在脑科学和医疗应用中的脑大数据采集、管理、可视化、分析、知识挖掘、脑地图结构功能模型、人工智能应用等。彭教授多次在国际一流杂志如 Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods, Cell, Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, IEEE TPAMI等上发表工作并被引用25000次,获得美国科学院Cozzarelli Prize,中国2021生命科学十大进展等奖项。