2024 CIBR-CLS-IDG Joint Summer School on Neuroscience and Cognitive Science


2024 CIBR-CLS-IDG Joint Summer School on Neuroscience and Cognitive Science will be organized by the Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Beijing (CIBR), in collaboration with the Center for Life Sciences (CLS) at Peking University and Tsinghua University, the IDG/McGovern Institutes for Brain Research at two universities,and the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)-Asia-Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) . We extend a warm invitation to undergraduate students from both domestic and international universities to participate in our one-week study program scheduled for August 4th to August 11th, 2024.

Our program features a dynamic and enlightening schedule, which includes lectures by distinguished neuroscientists from both domestic and international arenas, laboratory visits, literature presentations, and other interactive activities.

We have assembled speakers with diverse research backgrounds to provide students with an in-depth exploration of the latest advancements in neuroscience. Topics encompass the biological mechanisms of learning and memory, emotion, sleep, neurodevelopment, synaptic transmission, neurodegenerative diseases, and psychiatric disorders. This immersive experience is designed to broaden students' understanding of neurobiology and expose them to cutting-edge themes in the field.

In addition to lectures, students will have the opportunity to embark on laboratory tours, offering firsthand exposure to current research environment. A distinctive and challenging aspect of the program involves literature reports, wherein students will be organized into teams and tasked with presenting on three selected papers. The integration of content and report completion is expected within a two-day timeframe.

To encourage communication and networking, the program will incorporate buffet/luncheon parties and interactive activities, providing students with valuable opportunities for engagement and collaboration.


A Brief Introduction to Hosting Institutions


The Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Beijing (CIBR):

CIBR primarily focuses on fundamental neuroscience, brain disorders, neuroscience methods, and neuroengineering. Through a cooperative, innovative, and international research environment, CIBR aims to establish a top-level research-oriented institute to make significant breakthroughs in science and address the primary concerns of the nation, while also educating future generations of neuroscientists.


The Center for Life Sciences (CLS):

Established in 2011 at Tsinghua and Peking Universities, CLS is dedicated to reforming education and research, attracting accomplished scientists interested in education, conducting cutting-edge research, and nurturing future generations of innovative scientists and educators.


The IDG/McGovern Institutes for Brain Research at Peking University and Tsinghua University (THU):

Founded in 2012 and 2011 respectively through contributions from McGoverns and IDG, comprises neural and cognitive scientists at Peking University and Tsinghua University. The institutes focus on understanding fundamental processes underlying brain function and uncovering mechanisms of brain disorders, emphasizing interdisciplinary interactions and approaches, and aim to build world-leading, new technology-driven brain research centers.


The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)-Asia-Pacific Regional Committee (APRC):

For over a decade, the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)-Asia-Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) Associate School has been an annual event since its inception in 2013. It has consistently drawn approximately 100 undergraduate students each year, representing a diverse array of majors, including biology, physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, medicine, electronics, and engineering.


Who Could Apply to This School?*

Undergraduate students from various majors, including biology, physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, medicine, and engineering, are encouraged to apply.


What costs will be covered for selected applicants?*

Selected applicants will have their travel, accommodation, and food expenses covered.