Dr. Zhiqiang Yan, Fudan University
Dr. Izhak M. Michaelevski,Dr.Orit Shefi & Dr. Eran Perlson
On February 5, 2019, two cover articles, "Piezo-like gene regulates locomotion in Drosophila larvae" and "Mechanically activated Piezo channels mediate touch and suppress acute mechanical pain response in mice" were published simultaneously by Dr. Zhang Wei, PI at Tsinghua University School of Life , IDG/McGovern Institute For Brain Research, and Xiao Bailong, PI at Tsinghua University SciencesSchool of Pharmaceutical Sciences and IDG/McGovern Institute For Brain Research.
Dr. Yefeng Zheng,Tencent
Advance notice | 2019 International Conference on Neurostructural Biology