On October 6,2022,Xin Liang's group published'Drosophila Mechanical Nociceptors Preferentially Sense Localized Poking' in eLife
On October 5,2022,Zengcai Guo/Xiaodong Liu/Yubo Fan-Yaxiong Yang groups published 'Chronic CaChronic Ca2+ imaging of cortical neurons with long-term expression of GCaMP-X imaging of cortical neurons with long-term expression of GCaMP-X' in eLife
On September 26,2022,Qionghai Dai's group published'Real-time denoising enables high-sensitivity fluorescence time-lapse imaging beyond the shot-noise limit' in Nature Biotechnology
On September 5,2022,Xing Sheng's group published ‘Bioresorbable thin-film silicon diodes for the optoelectronic excitation and inhibition of neural activities’ in Nature Biomedical Engineering
On August 16,2022,Zengcai V.Guo's group published 'Lateralization of short-term memory in the frontal cortex' in Cell Reports
On August 12,2022,Bailong Xiao's group published ‘Astrocytic Piezo1-mediated mechanotransduction determines adult neurogenesis and cognitive functions’ in Neuron
On July 15,2022,Bai Lu's group published'Corticosterone antagonist or TrkB agonist attenuates schizophrenia-like behavior in a mouse model combining Bdnf-e6 deficiency and developmental stress' in iScience
On July 12,2022,Wei Xiong's group published'Template-independent genome editing in the Pcdh15av−3j mouse, a model of human DFNB23 nonsyndromic deafness' in Cell Reports