On April 28,2022,Guangshuo Ou's group published ‘An antagonistic pleiotropic gene regulates the reproduction and longevity tradeoff’ in PNAS
On April 6,2022,Zengcai Guo's group published‘An entorhinal-visual cortical circuit regulates depression-like behaviors’ in Molecular Psychiatry
On April 6,2022,Bailong Xiao's group published ‘Structure deformation and curvature sensing of PIEZO1 in lipid membranes' in Nature
On April 4,2022,Yi Zhong's group published ‘Social experiences switch states of memory engrams through regulating hippocampal Rac1 activity in PNAS
On March 9,2022,Wei Zhang's group published ‘Nutrients and pheromones promote insulin release to inhibit courtship drive’ in Science Advances
On March 1,2022,Qian Li’s group published ‘Exclusion and Co-expression of Aversive Olfactory Long-term Memories in Drosophila’ in Neuroscience Bulletin
On February 17,2022,Bai Lu’s group published ‘TrkB agonist antibody ameliorates fertility deficits in aged and cyclophosphamide-induced premature ovarian failure model mice’in Nature Communications
On February 11,2022,Xing Sheng's and Minmin Luo's groups published ‘Colocalized, Bidirectional Optogenetic Modulations in Freely Behaving Mice with a Wireless Dual-Color Optoelectronic Probe' in Nature Communications