On May 28, 2018, from 13:30 to 16:15, the Borad Meeting of Tsinghua IDG/McGovern Institute was successfully held in Medical Science Building B215. Mrs. McGovern, Dr. Robert Desimone (Director of MIT McGovern Institute), Mr. Hogo Shong (Global Chairman of IDG Capital), Mr. Li Bing (Vice Director of Tsinghua University Education Foundation), Mr.Deng Ning (Vice Director of Office of Scientific R&D, Tsinghua University), Shi Yigong (Dean of Institute of Biomedicine,Tsinghua University) and Dong Chen (Dean of School of Medicine, Tsinghua University) attended the meeting.
On May 24, 2018, a research team led by Professor Kexin Yuan from the School of Medicine at Tsinghua University published a research article entitled A Distinct Anatomical Connectivity Patterns Differentiate Subdivisions of the Nonlemniscal Auditory Thalamus in Mice in Cerebal Cortext.
Dr. Ruth Anne Eatock, Dean, Faculty Affairs, Biological Sciences, University of Chicago
Dr. Robert W. Bugess, Professor, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME
On Apr. 17, 2018, Xiaodong Liu‘s group published ’Improved calcium sensor GCaMP-X overcomes the calcium channel perturbations induced by the calmodulin in GCaMP’ in Nature Communications.