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研究员 清华-IDG/麦戈文脑科学研究院 电子邮件: luominmin@nibs.ac.cn
2012-至今 清华-IDG/麦戈文脑科学研究院,研究员
2009-至今 清华大学生命科学学院,教授
2005-至今 北京生命科学研究所, 研究员2004-2005 中科院神经科学研究所,研究员
2000-2004 美国杜克大学神经生物学系,博士后
2000 美国宾夕法尼亚大学神经学,博士
1997 美国宾夕法尼亚大学计算机科学,硕士
1995 北京大学心理学,学士
- Lin R, Feng Q, Li P, Zhou P, Wang R, Liu Z, Wang Z, Qi Z, Tang N, Shao F, Luo M* (2018) A hybridizationchain-reaction-based method for amplifying immunosignals. Nature Methods doi:10.1038/nmeth.4611.
- Li Y, Zeng J, Zhang J, Yue C, Zhong W, Liu Z, Feng Q, Luo M* (2018) Hypothalamic Circuits for Predation and Evasion Neuron 97, 911–924, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2018.01.005.
- Zhong W, Li Y, Feng Q, Luo M* (2017) Learning and Stress Shape the Reward Response Patterns of Serotonin Neurons. J Neurosci 37, 8863-8875.
- Wang D, Li Y, Feng Q, Guo Q, Zhou J, Luo M* (2017) Learning shapes the aversion and reward responses of lateral habenula neurons. eLife 6:e23045.
- Luo J., Feng Q, Wei LCA, Luo M* (2017) Optogenetic activation of dorsal raphe neurons rescues the autistic-like social deficits in?Shank3? knockout mice. Cell Res DOI: 10.1038/cr.2017.52.
- Zhang J, Tan L, Ren Y, Liang J, Lin R, Feng Q, Zhou J, Hu F, Ren J, Wei C, Yu T, Zhuang Y, Bettler B, Wang F, Luo M* (2016) Presynaptic excitation via GABAB?receptors in habenula cholinergic neurons regulates fear memory expression. Cell 166:716–728. DOI:?10.1016/j.cell.2016.06.026.
- Li Y, Zhong W, Wang D, Feng Q, Liu Z, Zhou J, Jia C, Hu F, Zeng J, Guo Q, Fu L, Luo M*(2016) Serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus encode reward signals. Nature Comms 7:10503 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10503.
- Guo Q, Zhou J, Feng Q, Lin R, Gong H, Luo Q, Zeng S, Luo M*, Fu L* (2015) Multi-channel fiber photometry for population neuronal activity recording. Biomedical Optics Express 6:3919-3931. doi: 10.1364/BOE.6.003919.
- Wang D, He X, Zhao Z, Feng Q, Lin R, Sun Y, Ding T, Xu FCA, Luo M*, Zhan C*? (2015) Whole-brain mapping of the direct inputs and axonal projections of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons. Front. Neuroanat. DOI 10.3389/fnana.2015.00040.
- Liu Z, Zhou J,? Li Y, Hu F, Wang D, Lu Y, Ma M, Feng Q, Zhang J, Zeng J, Bao, Kim J, Chen Z, Mestikawy SE, Luo M* (2014) Dorsal raphe neurons signal reward through 5-HT and glutamate. Neuron 81:1360–1374.
- Zhan CCA, Zhou J, Feng Q, Zhang J, Lin S, Bao J, Wu P, Luo M*(2013) Acute and long-term suppression of feeding behavior by POMC neurons in the brainstem and hypothalamus, respectively. J Neurosci 33:3624–3632.
- Qin C, Luo M* (2009) Neurochemical Phenotypes of the Afferent and Efferent Projections of the Mouse Medial Habenula. Neuroscience, doi/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2009.03.085
- Fan S, Luo M* (2009) The Organization of Feedback Projections in a Pathway Important for Processing Pheromonal Signals Neuroscience, doi/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2009.03.065
- Sun L, Wan H, Hu J, Han J, Matsunami H, Luo M* (2009) Guanylyl Cyclase-D in the Olfactory CO2 Neurons is Activated by Bicarbonate. PNAS, 106:2041-2046.
- Yan Z, Tan J, Qin C, Lu Y, Ding C, Luo M* (2008) Precise Circuitry Links Bilaterally Symmetric Olfactory Maps. Neuron 58:613–624. (Featured in a preview by Takeshi Imai and Hitoshi Sakano within the same issue of Neuron 58:456-467).
- Bian X, Yanagawa Y, Chen WR, Luo M* (2008) Cortical-like Functional Organization of the Pheromone-processing Circuits in the Medial Amygdala. J Neurophysiol, 99:77-86.
- Luo M* (2008) The Necklace Olfactory System in Mammals. J Neurogenetics, 22:229-238.
- Hu J, Zhong C, Ding C, Chi Q, Walz A, Mombaerts P, Matsunami H, Luo M* (2007) Detection of near-atmospheric concentrations of CO2 by an olfactory subsystem. Science, 317:953-957.
- Luo, M* and Katz LC (2004) Encoding Pheromones by the Mammalian Vomeronasal System. Curr Opinion Neurobiol 14:428-34.
- Luo, M*. (2004) Got milk? A pheromonal message for newborn rabbits. Bioessays 26:6-9.
- Luo, M*, Fee, MS, and Katz, LC (2003) Encoding pheromonal signals in the accessory olfactory bulb of behaving mice. Science 299:1196-1201.
- Luo, M* and Katz, LC (2001) Response correlation maps of neurons in the mammalian olfactory bulb. Neuron 32:1165-1179.
- Luo, M*, Ding, L, and Perkel, DJ (2001) An avian basal ganglia pathway essential forvocal learning nucleus in the zebra finch song system forms closed topographic loops. J Neurosci 21:6836-45.
- Luo, M*, and Perkel, DJ (1999) A GABAergic, strongly inhibitory projection to a thalamic nucleus in the zebra finch song system. J Neurosci. 19(15):6700-11.
- Luo, M*, and Perkel, DJ (1999) Long-range GABAergic projection in a circuit essential for vocal learning. J Comp Neurol 403: 68-84.