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2013-至今 清华-IDG/麦戈文脑科学研究院,清华大学生命科学学院,清华-北大生命联合中心研究员
2011-2013 中国科学院生物物理研究所,研究员,博士生导师
2007-2011 美国加利福尼亚州大学旧金山分校/霍华德休斯医学研究院 (HHMI),博士后
2001-2006 美国加利福尼亚州大学戴维斯分校,获细胞和发育生物学博士学位
1994-2001 中国农业大学生物学院,获理学学士、硕士学位
- Li W, Yi P, Zhu Z, Zhang X, Li W, Ou G*. Centriole translocation and degeneration during ciliogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans neurons. EMBO J. 2017 Sep 1;36(17):2553-2566.
- Yi P, Li WJ, Dong MQ, and Ou G*. Dynein-Driven Retrograde Intraflagellar Transport Is Triphasic in C. elegans Sensory Cilia. Current Biology 2017 May 22;27(10):1448-1461.
- Yang Y, Zhang Y, Li WJ, Jiang Y, Zhu Z, Hu H, Li W, Wu JW, Wang ZX, Dong MQ, Huang S, Ou G*. Spectraplakin Induces Positive Feedback between Fusogens and the Actin Cytoskeleton to Promote Cell-Cell Fusion. Developmental Cell. 2017 Apr 10;41(1):107-120.
- Feng G, Zhu Z, Li W, Chai Y, Dong M and Ou G*. Hippo Kinases Maintain Polarity during Directional Cell Migration in C. elegans. EMBO J. 2017 Feb 1;36(3):334-345.
- Zhu H, Chen L, Yang Y, Zhu Z, Zhang X, Li W, Miao L, Zhang Y* and Ou G*. The glial actin cytoskeleton regulates neuronal ciliogenesis. Cell Res. 2016 Nov 11. doi: 10.1038/cr.2016.131.
- Zhu Z, Chai Y, Jiang Y, Li WJ, Hu H, Li W, Wu J, Wang Z, Huang S and Ou G*. Functional Coordination of WAVE and WASP in C. elegans Neuroblast Migration. Developmental Cell. 2016 Oct 24;39(2):224-238.
- Li W, Ou G*. The application of somatic CRISPR-Cas9 to conditional genome editing in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genesis. 2016 Apr;54(4):170-81.
- Tian D, Diao M, Jiang Y, Sun L, Zhang Y, Chen Z, Huang S and Ou G*. Anillin regulates neuronal migration and neurite growth by linking RhoG to the actin cytoskeleton. Current Biology. 2015 May 4; 25(9):1135-45.
- Li WJ, Yi P and Ou G*. Somatic CRISPR/Cas9-induced? mutations reveal roles of embryonically essential dynein chains in Caenorhabditis elegans cilia. Journal of Cell Biology. 2015 March 16; 208 (6):683-92.
- Wang X, Liu J, Zhu Z, and Ou G*. The heparan sulfate-modifying enzyme glucuronyl C5-epimerase HSE-5 controls Caenorhabditis elegans Q neuroblast polarization during migration. Developmental Biology. 2015, Mar 15; 399(2):306-14.
- Shen Z, Zhang X, Chai Y, Zhu Z, Yi P, Feng G, Li W and Ou G.* (2014) Conditional Knockouts Generated by Engineered CRISPR-Cas9 Endonuclease Reveal the Roles of Coronin in C. elegans Neural Development. Developmental Cell. 2014 Sept 08; 30(5):625-36.
- Yi P, Li W *and Ou G*. (2014) The application of transcription activator-like effector nucleases for genome editing in C. elegans. Methods. 2014 Aug 1; 68(3):389-96.
- Zhu Z, Liu J, Yi P, Tian D, Chai Y, Li W, Ou G.* (2014) A Proneural Gene Controls C. elegans Neuroblast Asymmetric Division and Migration. FEBS Letters. 2014 Apr 2; 588(7):1136-43.
- Cheng Z, Yi P, Wang X, Chai Y, Feng G, Yang Y, Liang X, Zhu Z, Li W *, and Ou G.* (2013) Conditional targeted genome editing using somatically expressed TALENs in C. elegans. Nature Biotechnology. 2013 Oct; 31(10):934-7.
- Ou G*, Gentili C, Gnczy P. (2013) Stereotyped distribution of midbody remnants in early C. elegans embryos requires cell death genes and is dispensable for development. Cell Research 2014 Feb; 24(2):251-3.
- Feng G, Yi P, Yang Y, Chai Y, Tian D, Zhu Z, Liu J, Zhou F, Cheng Z, Wang X, Li W, and Ou G.* (2013) . Developmental Stage-Dependent Transcriptional Regulatory Pathways Control Neuroblast Lineage Progression. Development. 2013 Sep; 140(18):3838-47.
- Wang X, Zhou F, Lv S, Yi P, Zhu Z, Yang Y, Feng G, Li W, and Ou G.* (2013) Transmembrane protein MIG-13 links the Wnt signaling and Hox genes to the cell polarity in neuronal migration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jul 2; 110(27):11175-80.
- Cheng Z, Yi P, Wang X, Chai Y, Feng G, Yang Y, Liang X, Zhu Z, Li W *, and Ou G.* (2013) Conditional targeted genome editing using somatically expressed TALENs in C. elegans. Nature Biotechnology. 2013 Aug 18.
- Wang X, Zhou F, Lv S, Yi P, Zhu Z, Yang Y, Feng G, Li W, and Ou G.* (2013) Transmembrane protein MIG-13 links the Wnt signaling and Hox genes to the cell polarity in neuronal migration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jul 2;110(27):11175-80.
- Chai Y, Tian D, Feng G, Cheng Z, Yang Y, Li W and Ou, G.* (2012) Apoptotic Regulators Promote Midbody Degradation in C. elegans. Journal of Cell Biology. 2012 Dec; 199(7):1047-55.
- Chai Y, Li W, Feng G, Yang Y, Wang X and Ou, G.* (2012) Live Imaging of Cellular Dynamics during C. elegans Postembryonic Development. Nature Protocols. ?2012 Nov; 7(12):2090-102.
- Li W, Zou W, Yang Y, Chai Y, Chen B, Cheng S, Tian D, Wang X*, Vale RD* and Ou, G.* (2012) Autophagy genes function sequentially to promote apoptotic cell corpse degradation in the engulfing cell. Journal of Cell Biology. 197(1):27-35.
- Ou, G.*, Stuurman N, D‘Ambrosio, M and R.D. Vale. (2010) Polarized myosin produces unequal size daughters during asymmetric cell division. Science. 330(6004):677.
- Ou, G.* and R.D. Vale (2009) Molecular signatures of cell migration in C. elegans Q neuroblasts. Journal of Cell Biology. 185: 77-85.
- Ou G*, Koga M, Blacque OE, Murayama T, Ohshima Y, Schafer JC, Li C, Yoder BK, Leroux MR, Scholey JM. (2007) Sensory ciliogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans: assignment of IFT components into distinct modules based on transport and phenotypic profiles. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 18(5):1554-69.
- Pan, X., Ou, G.*, Civelekoglu-Scholey, G., Blacque, O.E., Endres, N.F., Li, T., Mogilner, A., Leroux, M.R., Vale, R.D. and J.M. Scholey. (2006) Mechanism of transport of IFT-particles in C. elegans cilia by the concerted action of kinesin-II and OSM-3 motors. Journal of Cell Biology. 174(7):1035-45.
- Ou, G.*, Blacque, O.E., Snow, J.J., Leroux, M.R., and J.M. Scholey (2005) Functional Coordination of Intraflagellar Transport Motors. Nature. 436(7050):583-7.
- Ou, G.*, Qin, H.*, Rosenbaum, JL and JM Scholey (2005) The PKD protein qilin undergoes intraflagellar transport. Current Biology. 15(11):R410-1.
- Snow, J. Ou, G.*, Gunnarson, A, Walker, R, Zhou, HM, Brust-Mascher, I and Scholey JM (2004) Two Anterograde Intraflagellar Transport Motors Cooperate to Build Sensory Cilia on C. elegans Neurons. Nature Cell Biol. 6(11):1109-13.
- Ou GS*, Chen ZL, Yuan M. (2002) Jasplakinolide reversibly disrupts actin filaments in suspension-cultured tobacco BY-2 cells. Protoplasma. 219(3-4):168-75.