Minmin Luo’s group published ’A hybridization chain-reaction-based method for amplifying immunosignals’ in Nature Methods


On Feb. 26, 2018, a research team led by Professor Minmin Luo from the School of Life Sciences and IDG/McGovern Institute at Tsinghua University published a research article entitled A hybridization chain-reaction-based method for amplifying immunosignals  in Nature Methods. 

Immunosignal hybridization chain reaction (isHCR) combines antibody–antigen interactions with hybridization chain reaction (HCR) technology, which results in amplification of immunofluorescence signals by up to two to three orders of magnitude with low background. isHCR's highly modular and easily adaptable design enables the technique to be applied broadly, and they further optimized its use in multiplexed imaging and in state-of-the-art tissue expansion and clearing techniques.