2015年11月9日,清华-IDG/麦戈文脑科学研究院、清华大学医学院研究员洪波课题组和哈佛大学医学院麻省总院合作在《自然-神经科学》(Nature Neuroscience)在线发表题为《大脑皮层个体网络的划分》(Parcellating Cortical Functional Networks in Individuals)的研究论文,报道了采用功能磁共振信号迭代剖分实现大脑皮层个体功能网络划分的新方法,为癫痫、脑瘤等神经外科手术的精准规划以及神经疾病治疗新药的在体评估提供了准确无创的新路径。
2015年10月15日,清华大学医学院生物医学工程系刘晓冬课题组在Cell(细胞)子刊Cell Reports(细胞-通讯)期刊在线发表了题为“Influx-Operated Ca2+ Entry via PKD2-L1/PKD1-L3 Channels Facilitates Sensory Responses to Polymodal Transient Stimuli”(PKD2-L1/PKD1-L3通道“钙离子内流操控型钙电流”提升多模态时变刺激下的感觉响应)的研究长文(Article)。
2015年9月21日,医学院药学系、清华大学-IDG/麦戈文脑研究院肖百龙研究员与生科院高宁研究员、杨茂君教授研究组合作在《自然》(Nature) 杂志上以长文形式在线发表了题为《哺乳动物机械敏感Piezo1离子通道的结构》(Architecture of the Mammalian Mechanosensitive Piezo1 Channel) 的研究论文。
To better understand how long-term memory traces are formed in the cerebral cortex, researchers have applied photo-imaging technology to record the activity of over 20,000 neurons in the mammalian brain simultaneously....
Postnatal maturation of the brain requires pruning of excess synapses, a process that is dependent on sensory input and synaptic activity....
When we learn new a new task or a new nugget of information, our brain cells form new patterns of connections. This is the essence of learning. But what researchers have....
A study from Dr. Lihong Wang‘s group revealed that non-reactivity (one of the five facets of trait mindfulness) scores were inversely correlated with insula activation during....